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1248612施琼华第四次作业 Empty 1248612施琼华第四次作业

帖子  施琼华 周日 十月 19, 2014 12:26 pm

An Urban Life or A Rural Life

Nowadays, although the urbanization of our country has developed very well. Some people would like to reside in rural areas.

When you live in urban areas, the sense you may see mostly is countless houses, apartments, and skyscrapers. You can buy anything you want in the supermarkets and emporiums. But you may worry about that if the vegetables are sprayed too much pesticide or if the cardigan is made of real sheep’s wool. Of course you may have a lot of job opportunities in the city, but you also have much pressure on *** a living there. Because competitions always appear at where the opportunities are.

When you live in rural areas, you can breath the freshest air every morning. And you can enjoy the placid life without the vehicle whistle or another noise, but with the birds singing and the trees rustling. You can plant your vegetables and rear the livestock as your like. Therefore, you can harvest your own safety green food and true wool. But you have to face the problem that your residence is faraway from your work place. You may take hours to commute to the city everyday. But if you think the good environment of your residence deserve that, there is no problem.


帖子数 : 4
注册日期 : 14-09-14

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1248612施琼华第四次作业 Empty 回复: 1248612施琼华第四次作业

帖子  Admin 周日 十月 19, 2014 2:22 pm

the sense you may see mostly应该是偏汉语思维吧,可以试试what come into view every day。Because competitions always appear at where the opportunities are.这句话作为原因并不合适,请再考虑下,另外和前面一句话要联系起来。主体部分人称代词you使用过于频繁,第一显得没有变化,第二you的使用会给人一种作者对读者是种居高临下的感觉,请尝试使用以非人称代词做主语的句子。简单句比较多,请适当使用一些复杂句型。对比方面比较有针对性,特别是杀虫剂那部分写得很好。


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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