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卫雯婕 第四次作业

2 posters


卫雯婕       第四次作业 Empty 卫雯婕 第四次作业

帖子  丫丫 周日 十月 19, 2014 8:48 am

There are two things in life we see them everyday:the sun and the moon.There are two person in family accompany us day after day:mother and father, and they are similar to the sun and the moon in some ways.
       Mother is like the sun.We feel warmth and light in the sunshine,likewise,we can always find courage and comfort from mothers when we are hurt and helpless.As the sun will finally turn up after severe weather,mother’s love will last forever no matter what a bitter quarrel have happened between her and children.Now,father can also be of any description.Like the moon is not as warm and dazzling as the sun,father is not good at expressing his love explicitly as mother does.But he trends to act instead of showing love,just like the moon in dark guiding and protecting us silently.He sets a good example for us to follow and works indigently to support family,which are no words but all actions.However,we do feel the deep love in heart as we still appreciate the peace the moon brings to us even we cannot touch it.
     Day and night,the sun and the moon,mother and father,they all stay with us forever.

由丫丫于周一 十月 20, 2014 12:49 pm进行了最后一次编辑,总共编辑了4次


帖子数 : 6
注册日期 : 14-09-07

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卫雯婕       第四次作业 Empty 回复: 卫雯婕 第四次作业

帖子  Admin 周日 十月 19, 2014 11:22 am

There are two things in life we see them everyday:the sun and the moon.好像不一定吧…… There are two person 复数,we can always get courage and comfort from mothers 也可以试试find comfort,是更常用的搭配。As the sun will finally turn up after severe weather,mother’s love will last forever no matter what a bitter quarrel have happened with us. 这句话好像有点问题,好像里面有好多层意思,但没说清楚,请再考虑下。rather than showing love,动词原型,或者用instead of也可以。太阳月亮和父母,这个比较和对比的着眼点还是很好的,也很形象,Like the moon is not as warm and dazzling as the sun,father is not good at expressing his love explicitly as mother does这句话不错。


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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