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1248604第二次作业 生动词打词动词打词


1248604第二次作业 生动词打词动词打词 Empty 1248604第二次作业 生动词打词动词打词

帖子  1248604 王尘逸 周一 九月 22, 2014 2:03 pm

cascade(v):to fall or hang in large amount 大量落下 大量垂悬 Blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders.
Her white dress cascaded slowly to the floor like the petals of a large carnation.

diffuse(v):to make light shine less brightly by spreading it in many directions (使光)模糊,漫射,渗透 The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffuesd by cloud.
The sun diffuses light and heat.

firey(adj):quickly or easily becoming angry 暴躁的;易怒的 In this production, actor Liev Schreiber gives a firey performance as Eddie.
She has a firey temper.

mouth-watering(adj) food looks or smells so good that you want to eat it immediately (食物)令人垂涎的,非常好吃的 Prizes worth a mouth-watering $16 million are unclaimed.
Look at the mouth-watering travel brochures.

scourge(v):to cause trouble or suffering to sb 折磨;使受苦难;使痛苦 Economic anarchy scourged the post-war world.
He lay awake,scourged by his conscience.

1248604 王尘逸

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