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1248419 徐舒娜 第二次作业 five vividly-used words


1248419 徐舒娜 第二次作业 five vividly-used words Empty 1248419 徐舒娜 第二次作业 five vividly-used words

帖子  大猪头 周六 九月 20, 2014 2:14 pm

1. pig:
Verb: squeeze in somewhere 挤在一起
Example: They pigged together in the mean nuts.
My eg: We are always pigged out of the classroom before Mr. Shi opened the door.
2. cow:
Verb: threaten sb to make them obey you 畏惧,吓唬
Example: The boy was cowed by the threats of violence.
My eg: The thief cowed the couple into keeping silence and took all the money away.
3. duck:
Verb: to move your head downward to being hit or seen 忽地弯下腰,俯下
Example: He ducked to avoid the ball.
My eg: My great grandma is too old to duck flexibly.
4. dog:
Verb: to follow sb closely 尾随,跟踪
Example: she had the impression that someone was dogging her step.
My eg: The police have dogged the murder for 24hours, but they have not caught him yet.
5. penetrate:
Verb: entering ,
Example: There have been around 15 attempts from outside France to penetrate the market.
My eg: She penetrated the enemy group to steal the confidential papers.


帖子数 : 6
注册日期 : 14-09-13

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