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一段关于面具的话(大家可以借鉴一下啊) Empty 一段关于面具的话(大家可以借鉴一下啊)

帖子  Admin 周六 九月 20, 2014 5:37 am

We wear masks for many reasons: for fun, for protection, or to make a statement. In turbulent public settings, obscuring one's face can protect an individual from retaliation while evoking fear and uncertainty in others. Donning the mask of a cultural, political, or religious figure can lend that person power and further his or her legacy. Those who wear masks to protect their faces from environmental hazards may also end up sending a message of caution to outside observers. In many cases, though, masks play a more lighthearted role, allowing the wearer to take part in a festival and become someone (or something) else for a time. I've gathered here a few recent images of people wearing masks, covering their faces for a wide variety of reasons.

"But if my fears prove true, masks like this could destroy all human morality. Think about it: Name, position, occupation--such labels would no longer matter. We would all be perfect strangers to one another. Constant solitude would become our normal condition. We'd no longer be ashamed of this 'modern illness' of isolation."


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注册日期 : 12-08-27


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