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1243808-刘丹萍第一次作业-Me in other person's eyes

2 posters


1243808-刘丹萍第一次作业-Me in other person's eyes Empty 1243808-刘丹萍第一次作业-Me in other person's eyes

帖子  刘丹萍 周四 九月 11, 2014 5:57 pm

My first image to the others,I believe,is not my face but my voice.
According to my roommates,they had sounded my voice,”We’ve reached 6th floor,eventually,”before me appeared.How careless and casual a girl,they might think.As expected,I did.
In my mother’s eyes,I was only a little girl who couldn’t look after herself at all.Therefore she nearly harped on everything but the kitchen sink before attending university.Addicted to the happiness being a freshman,I only kept an eye out of her advise.Hence my beginning of college life was on the blink.I practically stayed in a state:losing and seeking.
Apart from these weakness,I nevertheless get some shining points—one of those, is perseverance.I have tried to tidy my life and made sure myself never at a loose end again.My friends recently have praised me for my hard work.I accepted it with “modest”,because I’m not in Kanas any more.At least it proved myself to my mum a adult as I am.
It’s not only a one-hit wonder,I swear.It’s believed I’ve worked on the yellow brick road;at the same time,the image in my friends’ eyes of me records my each pace.


帖子数 : 3
注册日期 : 14-09-11

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1243808-刘丹萍第一次作业-Me in other person's eyes Empty 回复: 1243808-刘丹萍第一次作业-Me in other person's eyes

帖子  Admin 周五 九月 12, 2014 7:04 pm

前面写的很好,后面感觉有点跳跃了……用了一些不错的短语,比如harp on等,从这里开始Addicted to the happiness being a freshman,I only kept an eye out of her advise.Hence my beginning of college life was on the blink.I practically stayed in a state:losing and seeking.我就看不太懂了,keep an eye out of 好像没有这个表达吧,我只记得keep an eye out for表示提防,看看你的搭档怎么看,也请你自己也考虑一下,后面这部分的应如何安排,想表达怎样的主题。


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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