1148318 宋征宇第四次作业
1148318 宋征宇第四次作业
1.Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going. But you always have a choice. Jessica Heslop shares her powerful, inspiring journey from the worst times in her life to the new life she has created for herself。
评:在将要向读者share a story之前, 用这样的一段话概括性地阐述作者自己想通过这则故事向人们传达的核心价值观,两处转折的运用更是强调后位信息的重要性,此外提纲挈领,吸引读者阅读兴趣。
2.We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the inte***ces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive.
3.MANY YEARS LATER as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.
评:在将要向读者share a story之前, 用这样的一段话概括性地阐述作者自己想通过这则故事向人们传达的核心价值观,两处转折的运用更是强调后位信息的重要性,此外提纲挈领,吸引读者阅读兴趣。
2.We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the inte***ces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive.
3.MANY YEARS LATER as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.
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