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药学2班1148519苏澎晖第三次写作作业Hometown Empty 药学2班1148519苏澎晖第三次写作作业Hometown

帖子  苏澎晖 周日 三月 23, 2014 4:28 pm

I invariably mention the alleys when it comes to my hometown.
From my grandfather, I was told that, in the past, there was no such broad street in my hometown. When he was in teens, my grandfather usually go to school by passing through the alley. At that time, roads in those alleys were manually paved by stone, on the side of which there were many shops selling the handcraft. Because of the bumpiness of the roads, those alleys were only available for walkers. And there was, undoubtedly, not a single one straightly leading to the destination. My grandfather vividly described the alley as a maze in term of its winding. While passing by the shops he familiar with, he seemed to find the correct route all the time.
When I was young, however, those alleys were not like what it used to be. The pedestrian trended towards broad roads instead of narrow alleys. Most of the alleys, therefore, were dismantled, for which the broad roads turned into the substitute. Some of them were repaved by cement. The shops that used to flourish in those alleys finally put up the shutters. Only few of the alleys survived along with its historical background.
We seldom drop in those alleys nowadays, but the history of my hometown has engraved its existence on the antique flagging, the street side shops and the bygone days.


帖子数 : 2
注册日期 : 14-03-09

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