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1148318宋征宇的第三次作业 Empty 1148318宋征宇的第三次作业

帖子  1148318宋征宇 周六 三月 15, 2014 4:49 pm

The introduction of my hometown
I am from a prefecture-level city in eastern Anhui province named Chu Zhou. It borders the provincial capital of Heifei to the southwest and the province of Jiangsu--nanjing to the east. It is about 4533000 inhabitants. Besides, it administers 8 county-level divisions, including 2 districts, a sub-prefecture-level city, a county-level city and 4 counties.
Though it doesn't have a strong economic performance , there is still something else worth talking about that is its natural beauty, especially Lang Ya mountain.
Mountain Lang Ya locates southwest of this city and it is a 4A tourism attraction and the mountain is one of Anhui's five biggest scenic attractions. Along with mountain scenery, rivers and forest, the area also contains the Zuiweng Pavilion, named after the Northern Song Dynasty poet Ouyang Xiu that makes this mountain a little bit famous and because of that I like my hometown better.


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1148318宋征宇的第三次作业 Empty 回复: 1148318宋征宇的第三次作业

帖子  Admin 周五 三月 21, 2014 12:56 pm

其实除了城市的基本信息以外,可以加些情感上的话,比如 Explore the city, and you will discover various magnificent heritages and unveil their wonderful stories!


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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