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11483 熊文荟 第二次作业

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11483 熊文荟 第二次作业 Empty 11483 熊文荟 第二次作业

帖子  熊文荟 周一 三月 10, 2014 4:08 pm

Lucy:-Mr. Emerson, leave this house and don't come back as long as I'm here
George:-I can't.
Lucy:- No discussion.Go, please. I don't want to call in Mr. Vyse
George:-You mean to marry that man?
Lucy:- You're being ridiculous.
George:- I'd have held back if Cecil was different person. But he's the sort who can't know anyone intimately, least of all a woman. He   doesn't know what a woman is. He wants you for a possession, to look at like a painting or an ivory box. Something to own and to display. He doesn't want you to be real, to think and to live. He doesn't love you. But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas even when I hold you in my arms. Miss Bartlett, you wouldn't stop us, not if you understood. It's our last chance. Do you understand how lucky   people are to find what's right for them? It's such a blessing, don't you see?
Lucy:-And the fact I love Cecil and shall be his wife shortly is of no importance?
George:-This tremendous thing has happened between us and it means,it means nothing must hinder us ever again.You have to understand that.
Lucy:- I've no idea what you mean.
George:- Everyone must understand
Lucy:-And you must leave.It was wrong of me to listen to you
George:-But you haven't been listening. If you had, you would know!
Lucy:- Leave at once. Now.
George: - Lucy...
Lucy:- No, I will not listen to one more word.
这是电影《看得见风景的房间》中的一段对话。Lucy受传统思想的影响,不愿承认对Geroge的感情。她欺骗所有人,包括她自己,而与Cecil订婚。Geroge看出Cecil只不过是把Lucy当作精美的摆设,不让她有自己的想法。“But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas even when I hold you in my arms. ”表明他心中的爱情是要让双方都保有自己的独特个性。Geroge努力说服Lucy,而她却拒绝接受。“I've no idea what you mean.”“I will not listen to one more word.”等都表现了Lucy的逃避现实,不愿面对自己真实想法。


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注册日期 : 14-03-02

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11483 熊文荟 第二次作业 Empty 回复: 11483 熊文荟 第二次作业

帖子  Admin 周三 三月 12, 2014 5:54 pm



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