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1148401-周余,写作第二次作业 Empty 1148401-周余,写作第二次作业

帖子  fisher_zy 周六 三月 08, 2014 9:38 am

Dad: Don’t you have the job interview today?
Farhan: I didn’t go; I don’t want to be an engineer, dad.
Dad: That scoundrel rancho is messing with your mind!
Farhan: I don’t enjoy engineering; I’d make a terrible an engineer. Rancho has a simple belief—Make your passion your profession, then work will become play.
Dad: What’ll you earn in that jungle?
Farhan: A small stipend but I'll learn a lot.
Dad: Five years from now...when you see your friends buying cars and homes you'll curse yourself.
Farhan: Life as an engineer will bring only frustration. Then I'll curse you I’d rather curse myself, Dad!
Dad: The world will laugh! Label you a loser for quitting in the final year! You think you're the hero of a drama?
Mom: Enough please... he's upset. God forbid if he did something crazy like Raju...
Dad: Then the discussion is over. Don't say a word or His Lordship will jump off the roof.
Farhan: No Dad. I'll never attempt suicide. I promise! The Rancho you detest put this picture in my wallet. Told me to see it if a suicidal thought crossed my mind and imagine what'd happen to your smiles when you see my dead body. I want to convince you, Dad! But not with a suicide threat. Dad, what'll happen if I become a photographer? I'll earn less; I'll have a smaller house a smaller car. But I'll be happy; I will be really happy. Whatever I do for you will be out of genuine love. I’ve always listened to you. For once let me listen to my heart. Please... Dad!
Farhan: Dad...Please don't go away...
Dad: Return this! Son, what's the cost of a professional camera? Can the laptop be exchanged for it? If you need more money just ask. Go live your life my son.

选自印度电影剧本3 Idiots

评论: 首先,这段对话中使用了很多优美的单词和短语,如:scoundrel卑鄙的,curse诅咒,detest憎恨的,genuine巨大的等等,每个词在扮演形容,修饰的角色时表现得淋漓尽致,词与词之间在父子之间情感关系的细微变化上搭起了桥梁的作用。其次,短短的几句对话,但却展现出了父子间的情感变化之巨大,从最初父亲对儿子的极度不满意对最后父亲对儿子敞开心怀,万般关爱。儿子也如愿以偿,以自身行动表达了对喜爱职业的热衷,也表达了对父亲的尊重与热爱,最终达到完美结局。


帖子数 : 5
注册日期 : 14-02-26
年龄 : 32

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1148401-周余,写作第二次作业 Empty 回复: 1148401-周余,写作第二次作业

帖子  Admin 周一 三月 10, 2014 4:46 am



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注册日期 : 12-08-27


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