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陈希 1148407 第一次作业


陈希  1148407  第一次作业 Empty 陈希 1148407 第一次作业

帖子  K.T.M 周四 二月 27, 2014 2:28 pm

Swirl, v
1. to move around quickly in twisting circular movement, (使)旋转
eg: Smoke swirled around her.
He swirled the brandy around in his glass.
2. if stories or ideas swirl around a place, a lot of people start to tale about it, esp in news reports
eg: Rumors of a takeover began to swirl around the stock markets.
Stir, v
1. move slightly,
eg; A gentle breeze stirred the curtains.
The crowd began to stir as they waited in the line.
2. to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction
eg: Looking at the photographs stirred the childhood memories of the long hot summer.
The attacks of 9-11 stirred Patriotism insides Americans.
Shatter ,v
1.to break suddenly into very small pieces, or to make something break in that way
eg: The explosion shattered the building.
The plate hit the floor and shattered into tiny bits.
2.to completely destroy hopes, beliefs or confidence
eg: Their hopes and dreams were shattered by war.
Abject poverty shattered his illusion about university life.
Buoy, v
1. to make someone feel happier or more confident
eg:The party is buoyed up by the latest opinions poll results.
The manager and stuff of this company were buoyed by the increasing sales.
2.to keep profits, prices etc at a high level
eg: Increased demand for computers buoyed their profit.
Gulp, v
1. to swallow large of food or drink quickly
eg: She gulped down her breakfast and ran for the bus
He gulped down the blood in his mouth.
2. To swallow suddenly because you are surprised or nervous
eg: I gulped when I saw the corpse.
3. To stop yourself from expressing your feeling
eg: she tried to gulp back her tears.
I gulped back my shriek by covering my mouth.


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注册日期 : 14-02-27

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