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Me in the Eyes of Other People 1048219黄堃

3 posters


Me in the Eyes of Other People 1048219黄堃 Empty Me in the Eyes of Other People 1048219黄堃

帖子  1048219 周二 九月 04, 2012 4:11 pm

There are countless stars and planets in the universe which has existed and will still exist for tens of billions of years. Our earth is just, to some extents, a subtle tiny ignorable member of them. There are thousands of millions of species in our world, varying from gigantic whales to invisible viruses. And human race is the unique category which is marked by the character of both dominant and fragile—they are talented to govern the nature in their own way while they are also vulnerable and delicate when attacked by the puniest viruses and germs. Me to the world is just as inconsiderable as the Earth to the universe. But I, as an integral product of the highest level of evolution and food chain, take the collective complexity of human beings. Different people will have a different me in their mind.
Intimate friends will regard me as a trouble maker and professional joker. I am always exhausting all my efforts to make noise. So they can never pretend to be as calm as statuettes once I appear. Actually we will be a gang of madmen in the eyes of a passer-by thanks to my perfect performance. But they are glad to accept this noisy guy because where is me, where the happiness will be. I always occupy the position as an atmosphere conditioner whenever we have a party or enjoy a journey. Under the circumstance of friendship, my sense of humor will be maximized and endless funny words will escape from my mouth and slide into their ears. I am a qualified lifelessness killer at that time.
Nevertheless I act polar differently in a bowing acquaintance’s eyes. I become wordless and silent if the people I meet are not very close to me. They will even feel strange why that queer mute could sometimes give out a complete sentence. I can hardly emancipate myself in that condition so I prefer dumbness in order that someone will deem me as a poet or philosopher who is always thinking about the theme and truth of life or worrying about the world’s future.
Indeed I don’t know why a group of compounds can be so intricate and sophisticated, but the world always works in an incredible way. I’m really grateful that God created me, but what I appreciate more is that God also create other groups of biotic compounds to evaluate me from different angles.


帖子数 : 6
注册日期 : 12-09-04

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Me in the Eyes of Other People 1048219黄堃 Empty 回复: Me in the Eyes of Other People 1048219黄堃

帖子  Admin 周四 九月 13, 2012 11:03 am

词汇基础很好,也能较灵活使用学术词汇,连接词和长短句搭配也不错,望继续努力;全文结构较为严谨,但个人认为开头浪费了较多的笔墨,兜了个大圈子才入主题。Actually we will be a gang of madmen in the eyes of a passer-by thanks to my perfect performance. 这句话出现的太突然了,没太看懂是想表达什么意思。总体来看是篇不错的文章!


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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Me in the Eyes of Other People 1048219黄堃 Empty 膜拜~

帖子  1048612-潘庆飞 周日 九月 16, 2012 1:08 pm

すけ~ 膜拜膜拜个~


帖子数 : 10
注册日期 : 12-09-01

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