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my dormitory 史慧娟 1048316


my dormitory  史慧娟 1048316 Empty my dormitory 史慧娟 1048316

帖子  史慧娟 周日 十一月 25, 2012 5:41 pm

My dormitory
In this chilly winter, my dormitory is an extremely cozy and warm zone. Entering the room just from the freezing outside with your body trembling and your teeth striking against each other , you will instantly be enchanted by a warm current with a delicate fragrance. And the right side of you is our showroom equipped with a mirror water heater and washing machine, and the left is the cabinets with our clothes neatly piled on each other. You can see that our wall is painted with pure white makeing room bright and lively. Besides, the tile floor always looks polished which can even reflect your image. There our four innocent and lively girls live harmony with each other. We decorate our own little private space--bed and our dormitory diligently There is a special zone, we call it " the memories of 316", on the wall of the dormitory. Actually it looks like a exquisite postal with colorful lace and cleverish ribbons, on which we put our candid photos, funny group photos and the words we want to inspire each other. Sometimes when it is very cold, we prefer sit around a table, enjoy noodles and snacks we prepared, chat, bicker and gobbling up the food which seems the most delicious food in the world and everyone was blushing because of the steam rising from food and greatly happiness. This is my dormitory and my dormitory life. And I believe many years later when we recall the scene, we will cherish those days and the unforgettable friendship between us.


帖子数 : 9
注册日期 : 12-09-03

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