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Has higher education become an engine of inequality? 1048303 朱莎斐

3 posters


Has higher education become an engine of inequality?  1048303  朱莎斐 Empty Has higher education become an engine of inequality? 1048303 朱莎斐

帖子  sophieflt 周三 十月 31, 2012 10:43 am

To figure out the answer, we have to look more deeply into the radical question: What exactly caused the inequality in the society? Some people blame unbalanced economic backgrounds for the inequality. But how that unbalanced economy happened in the first place? It is generally acknowledged that a person's economic position is determined by his or her educational credentials, because well-educated people are more likely to get greater opportunities and to do better-paid jobs with their capabilities. From this perspective, we may say that higher education contributes to the inequality, for it's a factor leading to uneven wealth distribution.
However, higher education itself doesn't seem to me as a source of inequality, but a result of inequality. In our educational system, we resort to entrance examinations for high schools and universities, which is a relatively impartial way of selecting and classifying students accordingly, so as to educate them more effectively. Yet most of the students don't start the game at the same level. Family background, early year tutoring and parents' manners and values are all related to the intellectual growth of children. And basically all the relevant aspects as following have something to do with the unequal family economic situation.
First of all, children from wealthy families can afford to expand intellectual horizons by traveling around the world or exposing themselves to museums, galleries and all kinds of exhibitions; while kids from middle-class families or even remote rural areas can hardly get the opportunities to have a glance at the outside world. Second, children who have rich parents usually have a sense of superiority among their peers. They are used to get whatever they want, from high-priced Barbie dolls to high-tech digital devices. Daily necessities have never been their concern. However, children born in the impoverished areas easily feel embarrassed because of their ragged dressing and old-fashioned schoolbags. The majority of them can't afford a PC without which they cannot fit in the community and always feel lagging behind. Third, a decent family with well-educated parents provides democratic atmosphere, reasonable child-raising method and equal relations between two generations; whereas a low-class family with illiterate parents usually has problems in dealing with the relations between family members and the parents often feel frustrated at the lack of communication with their children.
All of these inequalities actually lead to the divergence of teenagers' choices of their future, so the higher education is a dividing line for children from different family backgrounds. Therefore, we can see apparently that higher education is one of the factors bringing about the inequalities which to some extent lead to the discrepancy in academic abilities and the diversified individual decisions towards higher education.
Now the question is much like "Egg and hen, which one comes first?" Let's just shut all the complicated elements out and focus on the interaction of the higher education and the inequality. There's no denying that the higher education magnifies the disparity between people from different classes. And we can come to a conclusion: Although there are many other factors which contribute to the inequality, the higher education is certainly one of them.


帖子数 : 7
注册日期 : 12-09-02

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Has higher education become an engine of inequality?  1048303  朱莎斐 Empty 啊,好文章啊

帖子  tasdic 周六 十一月 03, 2012 5:05 am

1,尽管有了标题,文章第一句来的还是太突兀了,应该将Has higher education become an engine of inequality?再写一遍放在段首。
2,But how that unbalanced economy happened in the first place?用happened 似乎不太准确,用generated也许更好
3,In our educational system, we resort to entrance examinations for high schools and universities, which is a relatively impartial way of selecting and classifying students accordingly, so as to educate them more effectively.感觉for 后面应该是for entrencing high schools and universities。accordingly觉得有点奇怪,莎斐的意思是according to the result of entence examination,在这里的从句中感觉歧义。
4,family economic situation家庭经济状况status比situation地道
6, diversified decisions ,似乎没有这种搭配

由tasdic于周六 十一月 03, 2012 6:23 am进行了最后一次编辑,总共编辑了1次


帖子数 : 5
注册日期 : 12-11-01

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Has higher education become an engine of inequality?  1048303  朱莎斐 Empty Reply to Tasdic

帖子  sophieflt 周六 十一月 03, 2012 6:08 am

tasdic 写道:读完文章觉得很顺畅,没有发现明显错误,逻辑条理也很清楚。但是有的用法让我觉得困惑,逻辑说服力还不太够吧。
1,尽管有了标题,文章第一句来的还是太突兀了,应该将Has higher education become an engine of inequality?再写一遍放在段首。
2,But how that unbalanced economy happened in the first place?用happened 似乎不太准确,用generated也许更好
3,In our educational system, we resort to entrance examinations for high schools and universities, which is a relatively impartial way of selecting and classifying students accordingly, so as to educate them more effectively.感觉for 后面应该是for entrencing high schools and universities。accordingly觉得有点奇怪,莎斐的意思是according to the result of entence examination,在这里的从句中感觉歧义。
4,family economic situation家庭经济状况status比situation地道
6, diversified decisions ,似乎没有这种搭配

Thanks a lot for your comments~
感谢Tasdic热 情洋溢的回复,开头确实考虑欠周,提笔就写都没组织好语言。家庭经济情况是应该用“status”比较好~
关于第三点,可能句子比较长,不过个人觉得意思还是清楚滴。。。for 后面可以直接加名词。accordingly这里是修饰selecting and classifying的。


帖子数 : 7
注册日期 : 12-09-02

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Has higher education become an engine of inequality?  1048303  朱莎斐 Empty 回复: Has higher education become an engine of inequality? 1048303 朱莎斐

帖子  Admin 周六 十二月 01, 2012 6:08 pm



帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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