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Is education the main reason for social inequalities ?

2 posters


Is education the main reason for social inequalities ? Empty Is education the main reason for social inequalities ?

帖子  1048304 lily 周一 十月 29, 2012 5:55 pm

Social inequalities exist between races, classes and countries and the results of such social inequalities can be seen around the globe in the history of all countries. The reasons for social inequalities can vary , but are often broad and far reaching . However , among the various reasons , education ,I think ,is the crucial reason for social inequalities .
First of all , people of different classes receive different education . A new Schott Foundation for Public Education report , “A Rotting Apple : Education Redlining in New York City “, reveals that the communities where most of the city’s poor , black and Hispanic students live suffer from New York policies and practices that give their schools the fewest resources and their students the least experienced teachers . In contrast , the best –funded schools with the highest percentage of experienced teachers are most often located in the most economically advantaged neighborhoods . As a result , students in high-poverty areas perform well , from which we can see social classes determine the education students receive and at the same time , the education they receive determines their future status , that’s what we often called “vicious circle ”.
Next , the inequality even appears from the initial period of education – kindergarten . As is known to all , education plays an significant and essential role in one’s life . If we admit what acquired education can affect people , just as I mentioned before , can be ignored , but the initial education should be paid more attention . What is taught in childhood almost determines what he or she will be , because in this period , what one learns will influence one’s values . However , different sizes of kindergartens have different teaching staff and equipments . As a result , social inequality even appears in this period .
Finally , people who have higher education is more competent in finding jobs than those who have lower education . Most concretely, having a good education greatly improves the likelihood of finding a job and earning enough money. Highly-educated individuals are less affected by unemployment trends, typically because educational attainment makes an individual more attractive in the workforce. Across OECD countries, men with university-level degrees are 18% more likely to find jobs than those with only a secondary school diploma, and women are 32% more likely. Lifetime earnings also increase with each level of education attained.
Above all , we can see that education , no matter higher education or initial education , all plays an important role in one’s life . It can influence one’s values , prospect and even development . Therefore , to be brief , education is the main reason for social inequality .

1048304 lily

帖子数 : 8
注册日期 : 12-09-02

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Is education the main reason for social inequalities ? Empty 回复: Is education the main reason for social inequalities ?

帖子  Admin 周六 十二月 01, 2012 7:35 pm

第一段我觉得Social inequalities exist between races... 改写了下,Social inqualities can be found among ... and be traced back to various cause. 后面接最主要的education.
第二段As a result , students in high-poverty areas perform well , from which we can see social classes determine the education students receive 似乎有些绝对了。而这一段的例子似乎更侧重于政府的政策,那么穷人本人有没有选择呢?
第三段谈早期教育,幼儿园,这里的因果关系似乎有些问题,However , different sizes of kindergartens have different teaching staff and equipments . As a result , social inequality even appears in this period.这句话请仔细考虑下。
第四段 people who have higher education is more competent in finding jobs than those who have lower education这个我们课上也讨论过,也是比较绝对的一种观点,这只是人们的一种普遍看法,并不是放之四海而皆准的真理。having a good education greatly improves the likelihood of finding a job and earning enough money. 这个倒是很好的一个解释,但earning enough money不太合适,可改为attain decent salaries.


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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