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Me in The Eyes of Other People 1048316 史慧娟

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Me in The Eyes of Other People 1048316 史慧娟 Empty Me in The Eyes of Other People 1048316 史慧娟

帖子  史慧娟 周一 九月 03, 2012 5:44 pm

Me in The Eyes of Other People
After reading the title "Me in The Eyes of Other People", I can not help asking myself a series of questions: In the eyes of other people, what am I like? Whether me in the eyes of other people is like me in the eyes of myself or not? And do I exactly know myself? After a long time of contemplating, I have the answer.
We are not solitary animals and we live in social, a big family, in which almost everyone has some kind association with each other. Thus, we can not deny the eagerness in the depth of our heart to discover what we are like in the eyes of other people. We can know ourselves in the eyes of other people in different ways, such as: communication with others, other people's valuation on us. By adopting these measures, I find what some people think about me and I realize that I am not even the same one in the eyes of different people. Here I want to clarify it with a specific example. When I was a freshman, I was a member of a school organization. The next year, I competed and became a section chief. However, I chose to give up at this year's election campaign. In term of this, people react differently. My friends understand me. They know that the organization I was in isn't mature and if I choose to compete and stay, I will be engaged in a host of trifling matter and won't have time to do what I want. However, some people whom I just acquaint with suppose that I am incompetent or I have no interest in it. Then, I will mention my parents interpretation. They think my choice is totally unwise and I am a dim-witted and a person who can't persist. They insist that I should compete in the election so that I will have much experience for my future work. This incident reflects that one is not same in different people's eyes. Indeed, the reason why I quit is that I am still not sure of my ability to be a good chairman even I did a good job in the last two years and I am desperate to relax myself and have more leisure time.
Thus, no one can totally know you sometimes even yourself as you can't see yourself at your own position. But other people's elevation about you can help you see yourself and urge you to do much better in order to change their prejudice on you.


帖子数 : 9
注册日期 : 12-09-03

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Me in The Eyes of Other People 1048316 史慧娟 Empty 回复: Me in The Eyes of Other People 1048316 史慧娟

帖子  Admin 周四 九月 06, 2012 9:01 am

文章行文连贯,连接词和过渡词合理,使得全文结构紧凑;能熟练使用长难句,文中的长短句搭配合理,用词不错,学术词汇较为丰富。美中不足的是前面多少有点啰嗦,不如直接切到正题,另外时态使用有多处不一致的地方,一些词和表达方式的使用也略欠考虑,如we can not deny the eagerness (可以用resist),what some people think about me (how people perceive me), I competed and became a section chief (I was elcected as ...), change their prejudice on you (这个我没太理解,是人们会对你有偏见,还是说人们可以看到一个更真实的你?)总之,文章还是不错的,希望继续努力!


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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