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Arrangement of the writing class


Arrangement of the writing class Empty Arrangement of the writing class

帖子  Admin 周一 八月 27, 2012 3:24 pm

Week Assignment
1 Write a tentative thesis statement of writing task 1.
2 Based on the thesis statement, provide a formal outline for the writing topic.
3 Revise the thesis and the outline.
4 Collect supportive materials for the writing topic.
5 Write the first draft.
6 Peer review.
7 Write the second draft.
8 Peer review.
9 Complete the final essay.
10 Write a tentative thesis statement of writing task 2.
11 Based on the thesis statement, provide a formal outline for the writing topic.
12 Revise the thesis and the outline.
13 Collect supportive materials for the writing topic.
14 Write the first draft.
15 Peer review.
16 Write the second draft.
17 Complete the final essay.


帖子数 : 234
注册日期 : 12-08-27


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